Friday, May 11, 2012

Tunisian Crochet

Took a "Make it Thursday" class at the Folk Art Museum in New York last thursday where I learned Tunisian Crochet with Lisa Daehlin. Lisa was great, funny and very talented. She showed us some amazing things and I can only hope the museum will have her back to show some of the more advanced stitches. But I did learn how to do the simple stitch and I love it. Here are two things I made this past week. I'm talking actual finished completed items. This is a first for me.  I mean two years can pass before something is actually completed. The first is a skinny scant that my daughter has already claimed and the 2nd project was a bracelet which I gave a gift. I'm working on a bag now.

Hope you enjoyed seeing my projects. Thanks for visiting. Pam

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